January 1933- Adolf Hitler gets appointed to Chancellor of Germany
April 1933- Boycott of Jewish owned businesses in Germany
September 1935- Nuremberg Race Laws
March 1936- German troops march unopposed into Rhineland
August 1936- Summer Olympics in Germany
March 1938- Germany incorporates Austria into the Union
September 1938- Munich Agreement
August 1939- Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Agreement
September 1939- Germany invades Poland starting WWII
April 1940- Germany invades Denmark and Norway
July 1940- Battle of Britain begins
April/June 1941- Germany invades Yugoslavia, Greece and Soviet Union
December 1941- Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and Nazi Germany declares war on the US
Throughout 1942- Germany begins mass deportation of Jews to various Concentration camps
April 1943- Warsaw ghetto uprising begins
October 1943- Rescue of Jews in Denmark
June 1944- D-Day, The allies invade Normandy France
December 1944- Battle of the Bulge
January 1945- Death march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from Auschwitz and 50,000 from Stutthof
April 1945- Hitler commits suicide
May 1945- Germany surrenders to western allies and Soviets
Antisemitism- Discrimination against or hostility towards Jews
Concentration Camp- A guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of members of ethnic minorities established by the Nazi party in WWII
Deportation- The lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a place.
Genocide- The deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial,political, or cultural group.
Ghetto- A section of the city where all Jews were forced to live at the start of Hitlers rein.
Holocaust-The systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during WWII
Kristallnacht- a Nazi pogrom throughout Germany and Austria on the night of November 9–10, 1938, during which Jews were killed and their property destroyed
The Holocaust was an extremely terrible event in which the Nazi Party broke almost every single Commandment set forth by God. The most important of the commandments that the Nazi Party broke are thou shall not kill, thou shall have no other God before me and thou shall not covet. I believe these are the most important commandments that were broken because if they followed them the Holocaust probably would have never happened.
The first commandment they broke is thou shall have no other Gods before me. The Nazi's did not openly worship another God but in my opinion they treated Hitler as God. They listened to whatever the man had to say and killed millions of people at the snap of his fingers. They listened to Hitler before they would listen to their own conscience and in the end it was all for nothing. Germany lost the war and Hitler killed himself instead of facing the consequences of his actions. He was not a God he was a weak ignorant man and should not have ever been treated as more than that.
Another commandment they broke was thou shall not covet his neighbors goods. The German people only hated the Jews because of Hitlers hatred from his personal experiences and because they were doing well when everyone else was struggling. The Jewish population was smart with there money and lived better than most of the non-Jewish population. Hitler used them as a scapegoat for there problems and blamed them for everyone else being poor. Since the people were jealous of the Jewish population they believed Hitler until all of Germany had an antisemitic view when in reality there was no reason to feel that way. The Jewish population did nothing wrong and the Nazi party just used them as a scapegoat. If the German population would not have coveted the Jews for their money and success there would not have been a Holocaust.
Finally the Nazi's broke the commandment thou shall not kill which i think is the most important one. Only God has the right to give and take life and Hitler tried to take that away from Him. Hitler killed millions of Jews and other minorities for absolutely no reason at all. The genocide of all the Jews was an unnecessary waste of lives and goes against pretty much everything God teaches us. If they would have just followed the commandments the Holocaust would have never happened and the world would be a better place today for it.