Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Fifth Commandment

The fifth commandment states that you shall not kill. This is a seemingly simple commandment but there is much more than meets the eye with this commandment.Although you may look at it as just do not commit murder it also includes topics such as racism, capital punishment, and assisted suicide and i feel strongly about all of these things.

One thing that still occurs largely around the world today that is absolutely disgusting is racism. Disliking a group of people based solely on color and stereotypes that are mostly untrue is extremely ridiculous. Racism is the type of thinking that caused things like the Holocaust and the Civil War in the United States. There is absolutely no reason to think badly of a person or that you are better than someone because they are from a different background. I admit that there are people that fit the stereotypes of their race but you still should never judge someone based on their color. I am happy to say that as a country we are moving forward with the election of Barack Obama as the first African American President but i cannot stop there. We all must do our part to end the hate and racism to become a stronger unified and better country. If we end racism we will end a lot of hatred and ultimately become a better place to live.

Another thing that I find extremely wrong is the use of capital punishment in the United States. The ability to give or take someones life does not lie with us as humans, that is for God only. How can we decide if someone should be put to death or not, what gives us that right? We should not be able to "play" God and take the life of a person for the sins he has committed on Earth. What we do on earth determines where we go when our times up on earth and if someone feels the need to kill while on earth we should let God decide his fate not us. Another reason why i disagree with capital punishment is because we never really know exactly what happened at the time of a murder. How do we know that we have the right person convicted of the killing? What if somebody gets put to death and after their execution later evidence shows that the person was really not guilty? There has been cases where people were wrongly convicted and put to death, how do you repay there families. We can never replace someones life no matter what we do and that is why I believe that the death penalty is wrong. Our justice system and someones life should not be taken when there is a possibility of a mistake.

The final topic that I actually think is alright to do is assisted suicide. I think that if people are suffering and have little to no chance of recovering can be helped to die if they say it is okay. Why should we force someone to suffer when they no there time is up and they are at peace with leaving this earth? I do not think it is okay to take someones life against their will but if they give consent they should be able to make the decision to end there life. I know that the church does not believe in assisted suicide because they think people who are suffering has a Jesus like experience and it is good for them but why is it good for anyone to suffer? I hate to watch the older community suffer and be miserable and if they want to say goodbye to there family and end there life it should be there right to do so.