Friday, March 23, 2012

Trayvon Martin 2

Obama speaks out against the murder of Trayvon Martin.
As this week continues and we learn more about the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin more and more people have chimed in about the crime. This killing without an arrest of the man who committed it has got so much attention that even Barack Obama, the President of the United States, has commented on it. This morning Obama spoke out calling this event a tragedy and even brought his own children into it. Obama made the comment that he couldn't help but thinking of his daughters and how that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon.
Picture of the rally in Florida on Thursday

Along with the President speaking out against this terrible crime many people and civil rights activists are rallying for an arrest of the admitted shooter George Zimmerman. Al Sharpton lead a rally in Florida on Thursday saying, "We cannot allow a precedent when a man can just kill one of us...and then walk out with the murder weapon." Many of these people will not rest until they feel justice is served and George Zimmerman is in a courtroom with his hands cuffed behind his back.

These rallies are not just being held in Florida but nationwide as outrage continues about the murder with no arrest. An online petition started so that Zimmerman would get arrested has been signed by more than 1.3 million people. There has also been a rally in Los Angeles, New York, and there is one scheduled for Detroit on Monday. Along with these rallies there are probably many more around the country that have been had or will follow to fight for Trayvon. He was an innocent boy in the wrong place at the wrong time and dies too young. So everyone should put on their hoodies and stand up for the boy who cannot stand up for himself.

The picture above is of a man who attended the rally for Trayvon Martin in LA. To find out more information about this rally and see more pictures please visit:
Trayvon and his family need all the support they can get so do not ignore this huge issue, sign the petition online or just spread the word so Trayvons voice can be heard.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trayvon Martin

On February 26, in Sanford, Florida a young African American man was shot and killed by 28 year old neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, called the police and reported Trayvon for suspicious behavior, this just another of the 46 other calls he has made to report suspicious behavior in the last 13 months.Zimmerman called the cops about this so called suspicious behavior and continued to follow Trayvon even after the dispatch officer told him not too. All Trayvon was "armed" with was a bag of skittles and a drink from a local convenience store and he was casually walking back to his fathers fiances house. What is suspicious about that and why did Zimmerman follow and shoot him?
 Another big question being asked is why didn't the police arrest Zimmerman on the spot and question him and why is Zimmerman still on the loose? Well one answer to this question is the Stand Your Ground law in Florida. This law gives a man the right to use deadly force, even before an unarmed man, provided they have reason to believe they have to defend themselves. This law seems reasonable but where is the line drawn for reason to defend oneself. How can Zimmerman justify feeling threatened when he is a 28 year old and 250  pound man with a gun going up against a 17 year old 140 pound boy who only has a drink and a pack of skittles. There is no justification there, there was no reason to follow or shoot this boy and Zimmerman should be arrested. Another reason for this lackadaisical police effort is the officer that was in charge of the crime scene. In a previous case this same officer failed to arrest a lieutenants son who was videotaped beating up a black homeless man. So you have to wonder all around from Zimmerman to the police was this a race issue? Was he followed and murdered and the man who did it will get away with is all because Trayvon is black?
Hopefully Trayvon Martins murder will not go without a conviction of the clearly guilty man who did it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The R-Word

In the world today many people use the word retarded to describe someone who is not as smart or to describe something that happened that they do not like. Most people say it freely and accept without thinking who it may hurt or what it does to society. Well let me tell you that the R-word is not acceptable and it hurts many people who are not gifted academically and it especially hurts those who are actually born with special needs such as cerebral palsy.

When you say this word and others words like it, the special needs community hurts and wonders if it will ever be accepted, so think before you act stop saying the R-Word it hurts people more than you know.
To learn more about this topic and to help stop it please visit:
