Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church... BULLIES?

When someone thinks of a church today they think of a peaceful safe place to go and worship not a dangerous place that bullies people. If the Westboro Baptist Church is really a church can they be bullies too? In my opinion and and many other peoples eyes yes they can be bullies.
The Westboro Baptist Church or the WBC claims to be an Old School Baptist Church that lives according to the Bible, but I would like to question if what anything they're doing is moral. This church goes around picketing at American soldiers, who bravely fought and died in The War on Terror, funerals. They carry signs saying Thank God for Dead Soldiers and God Hates Fags. I'm willing to say that what they are doing is immoral and goes against human dignity that every human has. In Christianity we learn to be charitable love our neighbor as we love ourselves and that Jesus died for everybody. The WBC shouldn't be protesting against soldiers they should be thanking them for protecting us and they shouldn't persecute the homosexual community either.
As you can see along with protesting against the soldiers the WBC also protests against homosexuality. America is not a Catholic nation and we have the freedom of religion here. It is wrong for the WBC to try the blame the homosexual community and persecute them for making that choice. It is there decision to live that way and if it makes them happy we do not have the right to tell them that it is not okay or wrong to be a homosexual.For more information about this awful group visit there website and see how mean and terrible they are to people that are not like them.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


cyber bullying is just as bad as regular bullying.
Throughout our lives as people during some time period we get ridiculed and made fun of by our peers. Usually this is just a joke among friends trying to have a fun but when the joke is meant to hurt and continues over a period of time its called bullying. Bullying is a terrible thing to do and can cause depression and even thoughts of suicide if it goes on. One form of bullying that goes on a lot is cyber bullying which is just as bad or even worse than regular bullying. Over the internet people feel that nobody knows who they are and it is safe or okay to say what ever you want. The truth is that it is not okay to cyber bully people, the internet is a place where people can go and find out information or just have fun, it shouldn't be used to hurt or to continue bugging people when you are not around them.
Everyday we read stories about teens taking there own life because of regular bullying but this can also be true about cyber bullying. Soccer star Alexis Pilkington, a 17 year old from Long Island, NY, took her own life because if vicious taunts on social networking sites. The main site of the online attacks on Alexis was FormSpringMe.com and even after her suicide the taunts kept appearing showing how much of a problem this is. A survey that was put out showed a huge 42 percent of children are being bullied over the internet. This can cause mental trauma because even if the children are not at school they can be reached by bullies.
Phoebe Prince

Alexis Pilkington
Another girl named Phoebe Prince, a 15 year old from Massachusetts, hanged herself because of the unrelenting bulling of nine teenagers. These nine teenagers were charged with crimes because of the bullying and two of them were even charged with rape. Phoebe was just a normal high school girl who was dating an older football player and the older girls didn't like that. She was constantly bullied through school, text messaging and Facebook. As you can see cyber bullying is a pretty big deal, it can even cause teens to think that suicide is the only option. Bullying and cyber bulling are very awful things to do and they should be made illegal in the United States. To find out more about these girls and other victims of cyber bullying please go and visit these two links.